"Your boss is going to have bad days. When they do, you have to be empathetic and compassionate. You owe that to them. It's called loyalty. You expect it from those that work for you, and you should expect it of yourself.
Part of your job is to make your boss look good. When your team performs well, you look good. Most bad decisions are emotional decisions.
- If your boss is about to make a bad emotional decision, encourage them to sleep on it.
- If they're stressed, offer your assistance.
- If they're frustrated, empathize with them.
- If they need the vent. Be a good listener.
You've been there. You know what it's like.
Be the supportive, loyal, honest team member that 'gets it'. Again, this is a style - your style of managing up - and it defines your reputation. How your boss is going to think about you?
- Are you one that gets it or not?
- Are you someone they can lean on or not?
- Are you someone they want in their foxhole or not?
When your boss is having a bad day, don't avoid them. Catch them and help them. They won't forget it and your relationship will flourish."
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