"This is a historically tight labor market and most recruiting departments are stretched really thin, so you can't just wait for candidates to come your way. You have to embrace recruiting as a big part of your job. The most successful managers we work with spend 30 minutes a week recruiting, whether they have open positions or not. And here are some of the things they do -
- They nurture their own recruiting network because these are people they trust the most.
- Then they ask their network for referrals because people, they like to help, especially people within their network.
- They encourage employee referrals, especially from their higher performers, because people, especially high performers, like to work with their friends...other people like them.
- They use social media because it's an easy way to communicate with candidates in their network.
- They use social networks like LinkedIn because that's where the job seekers are.
- They tap their alumni network from their schools because they like to hire people with similar backgrounds.
- And they engage clients because clients, they know job seekers too. They have friends and family looking for jobs and typically appreciate the request.
You need to budget this time or it won't happen. Just 30-minutes a week can go a really long way. And remember, recruiting is a process, so focus on process goals. Here are a couple of examples -
- Spend 30-minutes a week for four consecutive weeks.
- Develop one short, simple depiction of your ideal candidate.
- Send that depiction to 10 people you used to work with.
- Post one job to your alumni group and LinkedIn, and
- Encourage one referral from your top three employees.
These are all examples of process goals. Start small and build your recruiting routine over time. It only takes 30-minutes per week, and it's a routine that's going to serve you well for the rest of your career."
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