"We get three common questions about the growth mindset, and the first one is this:
Q.) How can I tell if I've got the growth mindset or the fixed mindset?
A.) And the answer is this: You've got both.
Some challenges, risks and feedback are easy to embrace and some are easy to avoid. They're hard to swallow. And some days, perseverance comes naturally. But some days it's a real fight. You might lean more towards the growth or the fixed mindset, but your thoughts are always shifting and they need your constant attention.
Second question:
Q.) Is the growth mindset all about effort?
A.) That's a great question, and the answer is 'no'. If you want to simplify the growth mindset, think of it this way it's - about effort and learning.
It's a simple equation:
Effort + Learning = Growth
You've got to open yourself up to learning opportunities. Now, effort is critical. But remember what Albert Einstein said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
And the third question:
Q.) What are other ways to develop my growth mindset?
A.) In Episode 119, we shared three techniques:
- You spend more time with resilient friends,
- Remind yourself of the good stuff, and
- Don't jump to conclusions.
Here are some other tips:
- Don't judge. Be curious and you'll learn more.
- Don't be envious. Use the success of others as inspiration and you'll be more motivated.
- Keep raising your personal standards. Expect more of yourself and you'll get more. Remember, no one rises to low expectations. And that includes you.
- Embrace the process. Set process goals and don't overly rely on outcome goals.
Now, we've all heard about 'S.M.A.R.T. goals'. They have to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound, and that's great for a project, but it limits your personal growth. Your personal growth is an ongoing process. It's not a destination.
- Too specific and measurable becomes inflexible.
- Too attainable becomes too easy.
- Too relevant becomes outdated really quickly, and
- Too time-bound becomes impatient.
Remember, the growth mindset is flexible and open. And it's also ambitious and patient.
- Celebrate your progress. Focus on the next milestone and avoid setting false deadlines.
- Don't seek approval. I want you to seek feedback. When you over rely on the approval of others, you tend to avoid taking risks, tough tasks, tough feedback and potential failure. Look for feedback, look forward to feedback and use feedback to course correct. And finally, celebrate the hard days.
- Embrace the grind. Take pride in your effort. Your resilience and grit.
Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, success and failure - but the grind is constant. When you embrace the growth mindset, you're embracing the journey, not the destination. Your goals are important, but those outcomes don't define you. Your process - the way you live day to day - defines you. And that's the key to success and the key to a happy, fulfilled life."
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